
  • Hollow Knight Fragile Strength
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 31. 01:40
    Hollow Knight Fragile Strength

    — CHARM COSTS REBALANCE —A simple mod. Made years ago for personal use and updated as DLC/patches came out.

    Its damage stacks with Unbreakable/Fragile Strength providing a 162.5% damage increase when at 1 mask and having both equipped. If Furry of The Fallen was a mid-late/late game charm, it would be way lower on the list. But as you get it in the first area of the game, its potential for speedruns is way too better than Strength’s and Quick Slash.

    Figured I'd upload it here (not a fan of Steam) for 'posterity's sake' and anyone who may find it worthwhile.What does it do? Simple, the following Charms had their notches reduced by one: Heavy Blow (2) - (1) Fury of the Fallen (2) - (1) Joni's Blessing (4) - (3) Soul Eater (4) - (3) Deep Focus (4) - (3) Hiveblood (4) - (3) Flukenest (3) - (2) Grubberfly's Elegy (3) - (2) Kingsoul (5) - (4)Additionally, Joni's Blessing was reverted to pre-Lifeblood patch (+50% Masks instead of +40%).And for those interested in reasonings, here ya go:- Heavy Blow and Fury of the Fallen should be obvious/self-explanatory: they are absolutely not worth 2 notches. (Heavy Blow is a joke, honestly, wish it did more or combo'd with something else, but. Alas, it doesn't.)- Joni's Blessing is complicated. First of all, it was on the low end of mediocre before the Lifeblood patch. +50% more Lifeblood Masks sounds good on paper, but it takes away your healing.


    Hollow Knight Fragile Strength Chart

    Early on, when your Masks are low and you're short on notches, a +50% boost doesn't amount to much and you're better off with Lifeblood Heart or (better yet) Fragile Heart at half the cost (2). And mid-to-late game when the +50% bonus could actually have some use you already have way too many better options for Joni's cost.Why did Team Cherry then nerf it to +40% is beyond me. If it didn't have any combat utility before, it was made practically non-existent after.

    That put the final nail on Joni's coffin! At least now, at 3 notches, it is somewhat more attractive. Somewhat.- Soul Eater, Deep Focus, Hiveblood. So what's wrong with these Charms? Nothing, e xcept the cost! I went back and forth a lot with these: at 3 notches they feel a bit too good (except Soul Eater which is kinda off at 4 notches when there's Soul Catcher at 2), but at 4 notches they just never quite make the cut into any build. Consider: they are pretty well hidden (playing blind as one would) so they should be rewarding accordingly (especially when you already got Fragile Strength, Quickslash, Mark of Pride, and Shaman Stone at 3 notches).OK, so Deep Focus is great for exploring (say, Deepnest), but something like Grubsong + Soul Catcher + Thorns of Agony would work just as well for the same cost (4) and have even more utility. So does Hiveblood make White Palace easier? Sure, but it would anyway even if it cost 5 notches or more(it's not like you need to take your entire repertoire of Charms to White Palace anyway).

    And Soul Eater? Well, as mentioned: there's always Soul Catcher for half the cost (2), leaving you room for something else.Bottom line is: they aren't 'fun' to use because their prohibitive costs prevent you from using other cheaper Charms which, when combined, ultimately give you more versatility (more 'fun'). At 3 notches, they are finally worthwhile beyond extremely situational circumstances. Yay:D- Flukenest. Ah, the Charm that got overnerfed not once, not twice, but thrice times over! (Puts a completely different spin on 'third time's the charm'). So they cut it's damage to the ground AND, as if that weren't enough, nerfed its cost from 2 to 3 notches.

    Nail damage hollow knight

    Kind of as if to make sure nobody uses it again? OK, yes, it was a bit OP. But the dmg nerf was already more than enough.I did try un-nerfing the dmg whilst keeping the higher cost. I found myself finding better uses for those 3 notches every time. So, in the end, decided to keep the dmg nerf (sad as it is) but revert it to its 2 notch cost.- Grubberfly's Elegy. This was a very last-minute decision. Yes, it can do the same dmg as Fragile Strength when at close range (both beam and nail hitting enemy: 50% + 100% = 150%) but it requires you to be at full HP.

    And for such a seriously late-game charm, it just feels completely unrewarding (and don't tell me it's only use was to help some people do the Delicate Flower quest!).2 notches should make it worthwhile. Sort of like a 'poor man's' Quickslash or Fragile Strength.- Kingsoul. For as little as it is worth, and for as little as you will have it, how about we make it least half decent? Seriously, I have better use for those 5 notches, especially so late in the game. At 4 notches (now the single-most highest costing Charm in the game), at least you may find some use for it while giving you some wiggle room for something else?I mean, what is 1 notch gonna change?.Wishlist Carefree Melody (3) - (2).currently hardcoded.

    Hollow Knight Fragile Strength
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